CompuSchmooze™ Newspaper Columns: A Monthly Guide to Jewish Resources in Cyberspace


The CompuSchmoozeTM name is a trademark owned bySteven L. Lubetkin, and is the name of a series of columns published monthly in the Jewish Community Voice of Southern New Jersey. These articles and associated podcasts are Copyright © 1996-2010 Steven L. Lubetkin. All rights reserved.

Read the current CompuSchmooze column here.

Any commercial use of these articles or podcasts requires purchase of use rights from the copyright owner. For information on reprint rights to these articles, please send me an email message.

Friday, May 20, 2005


CompuSchmooze Podcast #5: AIIM OnDemand Show

CompuSchmooze Podcast #5: AIIM OnDemand

Steve attended the AIIM OnDemand show in Philadelphia this week. It's one of the largest shows devoted to the digital document management, printing, and publishing industry, and more than 20,000 people attended the show. This program offers a soundscape look at some of the technologies and trends being discussed at the AIIM OnDemand show.
Podcast Show Notes

0:00 to 2:58: Steve describes some of the activity on the exhibition floor. Pasadena Paper has a business card drawing for a pallet of paper. Steve decides NOT to enter the drawing. Kodak demonstrates high-volume, high-quality digital printing.
2:58 to 3:57 Steve introduces keynote address by Gary Kusin, president and CEO of FedEx Kinkos by describing the Pennsylvania Convention Center ballroom in the former Reading Terminal train station.
3:57 to 32:30: Gary Kusin's keynote address on "information logistics."
32:30 to 37:22 Excerpts from the press conference "Declaration of Education," where six manufacturers teamed up to create a digital print-on-demand environment on the show floor, creating 10,000 printed and bound books for donation to Philadelphia public school students.
37:22 to 44:13 Steve interviews AJ Hyland, president of Hyland Software, makers of OnBase, a document management environment that integrates paper-intensive environments in a digital way.
44:13 to 53:46 Steve interviews Andy Brand from SilkRoad Technology, maker of Eprise, a content management system that allows end-users to update websites and other content without the need for specialized knowledge or programming experience.
53:46 to 54:24 Steve signs off the show.


Podcast links moving to

When I started the website, I thought 600 mb was a lot of webspace. That was before I began podcasting with high-quality 192kbps MP3 audio files to take advantage of the stereo quality I can achieve with my Olympus DS-2 digital audio recorder.

Fortunately, thanks to my friends Shel and Neville at For Immediate, I learned about LibSyn, a podcast syndication service that offers cost-effective hosting for podcast files. So we're moving the CompuSchmooze podcast archives (and future shows) off the main server.

So effective immediately, all five of our CompuSchmooze podcasts are now being stored on our new podcast server at You can also download our other podcasts there, for Lubetkin's Other Blog Podcast,, and our audio syndication feed for radio stations, Lubetkin Broadcasting.

RSS feeds for all of our podcasts/blogs remain at I will republish the blog with the revised links.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Neville Hobson mentions the blog...

Another mention for the blog and podcast from Neville Hobson, one of my interview subjects in the current CompuSchmooze podcast.
Thanks, Neville!


CompuSchmooze April 2005: Daf Yomi Lectures Go Portable

CompuSchmooze April 2005: Daf Yomi Lectures Go Portable
By Steven L. Lubetkin
Copyright © 2005 Steven L. Lubetkin. All rights reserved.

Around the world, thousands of traditionally observant Jews (and other Jewish adult learners) take part in a never-ending Talmud study cycle called Daf Yomi. In the Daf Yomi cycle, students analyze one single page of Talmud each day, usually with a study partner. It takes seven and a half years to complete a Daf Yomi cycle, after which students will have studied the entire Talmud. This accomplishment is typically celebrated by tens of thousands of Daf Yomi participants at a Siyyum HaShas, a large-scale party held in a convention atmosphere, frequently at Madison Square Garden or a similar venue.

The Internet has brought the Talmud to a far broader audience of Jewish students than ever before in our history, and the technological tools for the study of Talmudic wisdom just keep getting better and more clever.

The Daf Yomi Advancement Forum (, founded by the Orthodox Kollel Iyun Hadaf, offers a wide range of free email lectures on the Daf, including: Daf-Insights: Talmudic expositions that delve into the Daf and broaden Dafyomi perspectives; in-depth Halachic and Agaddic analyses; charts and graphics; Daf-Background: translations; brief abstracts on less familiar topics; help with hard-to-read lines; textual, historical and geographical notes; Daf-Review: a comprehensive review quiz of the Daf - includes both questions and answers; and many others.

Daf ( provides a good survey of links available for further Daf Yomi study, including Ohr Somayach’s Weekly Daf e-newsletter ( and an audio lecture by Rabbi Shmuel Irons of the Kollel Institute of Greater Detroit, entitled “Who wrote the Talmud?” (, RealAudio required).
You can also download Dr. Joseph Fishkin’s free Daf Yomi calculator for Palm digital devices, which will tell you what portion you should be studying today (

Increasingly, Daf Yomi participants are squeezing this religious study and devotion into smaller slices of their secular lives, such as their commutes to work or their lunch hours. Now, thanks to Yehuda Schmidman (, mobile talmidim have the benefit of the ShasPod, an Apple Ipod delivered with a complete set of Daf Yomi lectures, or shiurim by Rabbi Dovid Grossman of Los Angeles already fully installed on the device (

“It came about around the timing of Siyyum HaShas,” Schmidman said of the idea for the pre-loaded device. “When you think about all the different technologies that have been out in the market place, whether it was taped shiurim, or online shiurim, some people now have video shiurim, the idea just came about of how great it could be if you could take someone’s complete set of tapes, and actually preload it on an Ipod in one shot, and allow someone the ability to essentially just work with one device, without having to figure out how to work with tapes, to work with technology, and basically just to learn the entire 12th Daf Yomi cycle.”

Schmidman made an arrangement with Rabbi Grossman to convert his taped lectures to MP3 digital files, and loads them onto Apple Ipods for customers. Other audio devices could be used, but Schmidman has no plans to offer them. He sells a 20gb Ipod with Rabbi Grossman’s lectures completely loaded for $399, a $100 discount, according to The site says the lectures occupy 13gb of the Ipod’s memory, leaving about 7gb free for music or other audio files.

“The Ipod has such tremendous excitement around it,” Schmidman said. “They are just the biggest craze, so we figured if we were going to make this an exciting and unique product, why not use the additional hook that Apple’s created, and ride on that excitement.”

Schmidman also offers other options, including loading lectures onto customers’ existing Ipods. Customers send in their Ipods, and for $99, Schmidman will load the device and return it.
“You don’t even have to have a computer at home,” Schmidman said. “It allows you to have really no technical knowledge whatsoever.”

You can hear more about the ShasPod by listening to the CompuSchmooze podcast program at our website,, or you can subscribe to our series of podcasts by adding CompuSchmooze to your RSS news reader using this URL:

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Saturday, May 14, 2005



Podcast entry on the syndication feed does not include the podcast link. The link is correct in the blog, but we're resyndicating it so that you can get the podcast.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Lubetkin []
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 4:00 PM
Subject: [CompuSchmooze] 5/14/2005 12:47:00 PM

CompuSchmooze Podcast #3, interview with Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson, hosts of the For Immediate Release podcast. Produced in conjunction with my article on blogging and podcasting in the Spring 2005 issue of Attitudes, the quarterly magazine of the Jewish Community Voice of Southern New Jersey.

  Shel Holtz Neville Hobson

Posted by Steve Lubetkin to CompuSchmooze at 5/14/2005 12:47:00 PM


CompuSchmooze Podcast #4: Interview with Hobson and Holtz

CompuSchmooze Podcast #4, interview with Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson, hosts of the For Immediate Release podcast. Produced in conjunction with my article on blogging and podcasting in the Spring 2005 issue of Attitudes, the quarterly magazine of the Jewish Community Voice of Southern New Jersey.

Shel HoltzNeville Hobson


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