CompuSchmooze™ Newspaper Columns: A Monthly Guide to Jewish Resources in Cyberspace


The CompuSchmoozeTM name is a trademark owned bySteven L. Lubetkin, and is the name of a series of columns published monthly in the Jewish Community Voice of Southern New Jersey. These articles and associated podcasts are Copyright © 1996-2010 Steven L. Lubetkin. All rights reserved.

Read the current CompuSchmooze column here.

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Monday, August 25, 2008


Reader question about cell phone radiation

We received an email question from a reader about cell phones and Bluetooth headsets:


We read in Newsweek that Bluetooth headsets minimize radiation to the brain, as opposed to holding a cell phone to one's ear.  We got the children Jabra Bluetooth VBT185Z  headsets. The kids read that only 2nd and 3rd generation Bluetooths have less radiation than cell phones. Is the VBT185Z a 2nd or 3rd generation Bluetooth?  For obvious reasons, we'd like to minimize cell-phone radiation to our children's brains...
We'd appreciate any information you can give us, on this product or on any better ideas.


Our response:

The research on this topic is controversial, but the government's scientists at the FDA say that wireless phones are probably not a hazard. See

Obviously, you do reduce exposure to the radio frequency emissions from the phone if you hold it away from your head. Bluetooth headsets do allow you to keep the phone at a distance from your head. The amount of radiation from either the phone or the Bluetooth headset itself is probably not going to be problematic from a health standpoint. But obviously, having a hands-free headset is required for use while driving in NJ.

Hope this is useful to you. Enjoy your new headsets, and don't worry too much about holding the phone to your ear. I've been using cell phones against my head or with headphones for about 20 years and as far as I know, they haven't affected my health, just my ability to pay attention to conversations involving the people I'm with!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


CompuSchmooze Podcast #25:, social networking site for local politics, and Mishare, device to copy contents between iPods

In Episode #25 of the Compuschmooze Podcast, we interview Travis Todd and Scott Scheyer of, a social networking website devoted to local politics across the US; and Nathaniel Wice, co-founder of, which offers the Mishare device that enables iPod owners to copy the contents of one iPod to another one, legally.

Sponsor: The CompuSchmooze podcast is brought to you by Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit

Download the podcast file here (41.9 mb stereo MP3 file, 00:30:32 length).

Keywords: compuschmooze, lubetkin, cherry hill, jewish, voice, ipod, mishare,, scheyer, todd, politics


Produced in the studios of Professional Podcasts LLC, Cherry Hill, NJ

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